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Finally Taking my Reselling Business Serious

I've been reselling since I first left high school. It's always been this goofy little side hustle for me that if I made $100 off of, I would be elated. Now that I'm older I want make more off my work and I want it to be a reliable third income. The goal is to buy a house in six months. One of the ways I'll actually be able to reach that is having that income to help beef up our savings.

Here are the steps I'll be taking to turn my reselling into a more full time gig.

Organization I'm naturally a messy person. This is in my physical life and my digital one. My spreadsheet that I use to track sales hasn't been updated in at least six months. I have half done listings sitting in my drafts, unfinished. I also have unlisted items in a pile on top of a clothing rack. That's how many unlisted items I have, the rack is full and there are more pieces draped overtop. It's time for all of those messes, and others, to go away. Time for them to be making me money instead of giving me a headache.


My schedule with my full-time job is all over the place. I work 9 hours sometimes I'm opening, sometimes closing, and sometimes a mid-shift. I usually work seven days straight and I occasionally work just five days straight. The only guarantee I have is I'll be at my job for at least 45 hours a week. That leaves me just 74 hours (accounting for sleep) to spend time with my family, cleaning, errands, and work on reselling. I'll need a schedule to do all of this. A decent schedule. Currently, I'm investing in grocery delivery companies and apps to help me manage my time. I plan on making posts about those things specifically soon.


I'm not going to lie, I have been so tired that I've been putting in minimum effort in my side hustles. We have goals though, so it's time to do work. We need this house in the next six months. We don't have a choice but to get it. So, my tiredness -for the next six months- doesn't matter. Until we achieve our goal, I cannot be lazy.


I've slacked off on researching new -to me- brands. I really thought I knew it all. I don't though. Over the next few months any spare minute I have will be spent checking sold listings on Poshmark. I'll also be listening to reseller videos while working. There are so many wonderful content creators on youtube. I'll be dedicating at least an hour a day to peaking in on what has sold on Poshmark so that I can find new to me brands.

I guess the only follow up that I can say is, hang around and see what happens. I'm making a schedule as we speak for this and several other types of content. See you in the next one.


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